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Metal 3D Printer-Applications

I believe friends who have been paying attention to 3D printing should have some understanding of metal 3D printing. Do you know what aspects of metal 3D printing technology have been applied at present? Next, let's tell you one by one.

In fact, at present, the general consumer 3D printing market has become saturated, and it is difficult to make a breakthrough. This means that many large 3D printing companies will focus on fast-growing areas, such as metal 3D printing. Metal 3D printing has now become the first growth rate in the industry and is widely used in various fields of daily life. Specifically, there are the following industries:

1. Industrial field

At present, many industrial departments have taken Metal 3D printers as their daily machines. 3D printing technology is almost used in prototype manufacturing and model production. At the same time, when producing some large parts, 3D printers will also be used to print out parts and components for assembly. Compared with the traditional manufacturing process, 3D printing technology can achieve greater production while reducing time and cost.

2. Medical field

Metal 3D printing is widely used in the medical field, especially in dentistry. Unlike other operations, dental implant printing usually requires Metal 3D printing. The biggest advantage of using 3D printing technology is customizability. Doctors can design implants according to the specific conditions of patients. In this way, the patient's treatment process will reduce pain and reduce a lot of trouble after operation.

3. Jewelry field

At present, many jewelry manufacturers are transforming from resin 3D printing and wax mold manufacturing to metal 3D printing. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for jewelry are also higher. People no longer like ordinary jewelry on the market, but want to have unique customized jewelry. Therefore, it will be the future development trend of jewelry industry to realize customization without mold, and metal 3D printing will play a very important role.

4. Aerospace field

Many large countries in the world have begun to use metal 3D printing technology to realize the development of national defense, aerospace and other fields. The world's first 3D printing plant built by Ge in Italy is responsible for manufacturing parts for Feiyue jet engine, which is enough to prove the ability of metal 3D printing.

5. Automotive field

The application time of metal 3D printing in the automotive industry is not too long, but it has great potential and rapid development. At present, well-known automobile manufacturers such as BMW and Audi are seriously studying how to use metal 3D printing technology to reform the production mode.


6. Scientific research education

Metal 3D printing is applied in mechanical engineering, material engineering, automobile, ocean, railway and energy manufacturing. So that scientific research and education institutions can more effectively design parts with complex internal structure; It can simplify the manufacturing process and produce a single item quickly, effectively and cheaply.

In addition to these listed fields, metal 3D printing also has a more or less impact on many other fields.

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