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As technology matures, 3D printing has become quite popular in recent years. So what exactly is 3D printing? Can everything print in 3D? What do people from different professions use it for? Let's ask it all.

Build a house The first 3D-print house in the Netherlands welcomes tenants

What does the Real Estate Chamber of Commerce do with 3D printing technology? The answer is, of course, to build a house. Recently, in the Netherlands, the first 3D-printed house was officially delivered. What does it look like and feel uncomfortable? Go and see it together.

This plain building is the first 3D printing house in the Netherlands. The exterior of the house can clearly see the concrete textures one layer after another. The whole printing process of the house is like making a huge mounted cake. The huge spray heads print out the concrete neatly and stack it one layer at a time to form a wall. Recently, the owner of this 3D printing room has arrived.

It is understood that this building is a model room for a community of 3D printing rooms in the Netherlands. Four more 3D printing rooms will be available in the future.

Build a house Many places in the United States sell 3D print houses

There are also real estate developers in the United States who are bullish on 3D printing. In Austin, Texas, the first four 3D print houses were officially opened two months ago. The size of the house varies from two to four rooms, starting at $400,000. In New York, another developer showed an astonishing 3-D printing speed, building a 1,500-square-foot, 140-square-meter, 3-room, 2-guard house with a garage in just 48 hours, at a price of less than $300,000, which is half the price of a new home in the area and attracts many buyers.

Organ-making Israeli researchers have successfully printed a complete "heart"

What will doctors do with 3D printing? Of course, it gives the patient hope. We have reported that two years ago, researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel successfully printed a complete "heart" using 3D printing technology for the first time in the world. The heart is about the same size as a cherry, about the size of a rabbit heart. Researchers used a special gel as the "ink" that "prints" human tissues and cells as raw materials. They say that with the development of scientific research, 3D printing of human organs will no longer be a dream.

A Buddhist Statue in Longmen Cave, a Cultural Relic, Realizes the Combination of Body and Head

Using digital 3D printing technology, a centuries-old infinite life Buddhist head in Fengxian Temple of Longmen Cave in Luoyang finally realized the "body-head-in-one-battle" last year. It is understood that this immense life Buddha was built over 700 A.D. Experts inferred that the head of Buddha was stolen in the 1920s. At present, it is in the collection of the Shanghai Museum. By collecting three-dimensional data, building three-dimensional models, and using three-dimensional printing technology to rebuild the head, researchers have restored the statue.

Rescue animal "broken mouth" Crested Ibis with artificial beak

What happens if animal breeders master 3D printing? There was once a male Ibis in Muchuan County, Leshan, Sichuan. In order to pursue true love, they dueled with their rivals. As a result, they accidentally broke their beak, which is the beak of a bird. From then on, they were restless, depressed and even began to go on a hunger strike. To save the ibis, breeding center staff used 3D printing technology for the first time to make an artificial beak that was seamless, not only beautiful, but also useful. Besides self-feeding, they couldn't even brush feathers. So the cockatoo regains its confidence.

What is 3D printing?

More importantly, 3D printing technology can also be used in areas such as aerospace and national defense security. In this way, this 3D printing technology seems to do everything. So what exactly is 3D printing?

Lu Bingheng, Professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Academician of China Academy of Engineering, Director of National Innovation Center for Additional Materials Manufacturing: The so-called 3D printing, academically called additive materials manufacturing, in the process of manufacturing, parts and components are overlapped one by one. It is to turn the manufacturing of a complex three-dimensional part into a two-dimensional problem, and then you can use the computer for very convenient control, no matter how complex the part is, its program is the same. When I invited an American professor to come that year, he said that the concept of 3D printing was first invented by your Chinese people. I said I really don't know. I would like to hear more about it. He said that your Great Wall of China is built up from brick to brick. I think that's the principle of adding materials.

Can everything print in 3D?

3D printing can make both spacecraft and clothes, cultural relics and houses because it can use a variety of printing materials. So which materials can be used for 3D printing and everything can be printed in 3D?

Lu Bingheng, Professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Academician of China Academy of Engineering, Director of National Center for Additional Materials Manufacturing Innovation: Any material can be used for 3D printing, plastic, metal, ceramics, cement and even chocolate. So since three-dimensional (3D) printing is such a principle, it has many benefits. Any complex shape can be made from what you want to get. 

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